On December 31, 2017, we informed our Official Selections below that we are honored to have their films screen at the 2nd Annual GeekFest Toronto. Please welcome them by attending Films, Docs and Talks on Tuesday February 14, 2017 starting at 4:00PM at Cinecycle “a hidden treasure of the Toronto film scene” ~BlogTO
Official Selection Laurel GeekFest Toronto 2017
- A David Lynch Movie, director Francine Daveta
- A Perfect Vacuum, director Becca Johanson
- Arco de choque (Bow shock) (Arco de choque), director Javier Diez Botet
- Biohacking: We Need an Upgrade, director Floor Brock, Laura Okkersen
- Dungeons and Drama, director Chris Rencavage
- Epigenetics. The Memory Of The World In Our Body (Epigenetica. Come il nostro corpo memorizza il mondo), director Paolo Turro
- Goodbye at the End of the World, director Vance Kotrla
- Google Maps, director Ruby Cogan
- Heroes Manufactured, director Yaron Betan
- LENR Revolution, director Thomas Florek
- Long Live the King, director Frank Dietz, Trish Geiger
- Rewrite, director Crash Buist
- Sniff! The Art Of Air Tasting, director Sandra Ignagni
- Space Detective, director Antonio Llapur
- Trolls & Antechambers: The Comeback, director Tom Sanchez Prunier
- Voyeur, director Katy Lukianiuk
- We Don’t Like Captain Sausage! (No nos gusta Capitán Morcilla!), director Angel Tirado