We choose FilmFreeway as our *exclusive* Submission Platform for GeekFestUniverse!
Check out GeekFest Toronto Film and Documentary Categories of Competition below and see where your creative expression fits in our Community:
- Animated Film
- Experimental Film
- Feature Film (Narrative)
- Feature Documentary
- Music Video
- Short Film (Narrative)
- Short Documentary
- Weird Science
- Call For Experiments: Any Area of Study – as long as it’s *Geek Certified
- Call For Papers: Any Area of Study – as long as it’s *Geek Certified
- Call For Speakers and Presentations: Any Area of Study – as long as it’s *Geek Certified
- Call For Web Accessibility Innovations / Improvements/ Standards/Initiatives
Here’s the #TagCloud for our areas of Interest. Please email us with any more you thing would Fit:
x 1600 × x Alternative Lifestyles x Architecture × Art x Artists x Astrophysics × Carl Sagan × Chess × Computer Geeks × Comic Books × Cosmology × Cosmos × Cosplay × CultureJamming ×Documentaries About Geeks × Documentaries About Nerds × Dr. Who × Drones × Engineering × Films About Geeks × Films About Nerds × Gadgets × Games × Gaming × Geek Culture × GeekRock × Geeks × Geo Cache × Graphic Novels x Joss Whedon × Klingon × LARPing × LifeHacks × Linux × LOTR × Minecraft × Neil deGrasse Tyson × Nerd Culture × Nerd Road Trips × NerdCore × Nerds × Nerdy Girls × Nerdy Hunks × Nikola Tesla × Physics × Portlandia × Proxy Servers × Put A Bird On It × Reddit × Revenge Of The Nerds × Robotics × Rubiks Cube × Science × Science and Technology × Science Documentaries × Science Films × Skepticism × Star Trek × Star Wars × Substance-vs-Style × The Code of Science × Tiny Houses ×Very Large Array × VPNs
- Top Prize
- Top Geek ‘Best of Fest’ Prize is for the Best Film or Documentary or Presentation, Experiment or Paper.
- It will be Audience Vote (and if film or doc, it will be) combined with Programmer Scores.
- The Award is pretty cool – Always a Personalized Award + Hardcore Nerd/Geek Cred (Plus we pay for postage. Tell other fests that 😉 )
- All Categories – Always a Personalized Award + Hardcore Nerd/Geek Cred (Plus we pay for postage. Tell other fests that 😉 )
- Honorable Mentions – Always a Personalized Award + Hardcore Nerd/Geek Cred (Plus we pay for postage. Tell other fests that 😉 )